Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Conclusion: Frogs are erratic and stupid. Not all of them followed the same behavior and one of them actually sustained its position for FIVE DAYS in a clump of rushes in an open grassland. Idiot.

Large scale movements were generally reserved for replacing a dry habitat, or for breeding purposes. This behavior may indicate that the frogs will usually remain in their current location unless there is a dire situation which requires them to leave. From this information, it is also possible to conclude that the frogs were safer if they remained in one location.

The majority of the radiotagged frogs did not make large scale movements. Of 91 frogs studied in the greater Olema Valley, only 36 made large scale movements (≥30 m). (13) The frogs usually did not make long-distance moves unless their habitat was close to drying out, or unless their destination was a breeding site. (12) Many of the movements appear to be related to rainfall. With more rain, a larger number of frogs moved farther than 30 meters. Many of the frogs moved to breeding ponds during this time of the year. The onset of higher rainfall may be a cue to the frogs that the breeding season has begun.

More females made large scale movements than did males. Males were more sedentary, making it a necessity for the females to move. More females left the breeding sites, meaning that more females needed to return to the breeding sites the following year. It is unclear why this behavior is exhibited mostly by females as opposed to males. This could be a point of further study.

Behavior during the wet season appears to be more reckless as compared to the dry season. Some of the frogs were required to cross open pastures to gain access to a breeding site. One of the frogs was found crushed by a large, hoofed animal in such a pasture. Frogs were also observed basking in sunlight at breeding sites. Basking behavior most likely occurs in areas where there is less plant cover, meaning that the frogs are less protected. The reckless behavior may be in order to breed successfully. It may be necessary for the frogs to arrive at breeding ponds where they will have a higher chance of finding a partner. Basking behavior may allow the frogs to better locate a partner.

It seems generally safer for the frogs to remain at one location. Frogs were usually found under some type of protective plant covering or in water. The small scale movements may have been made in order to procure a safer or more protected settlement within their proximity.

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